Monday, June 11, 2012

End Note

Digital Arts 2 was a whole lot of fun! Here at the end, I look back and am surprised on how much I was able to get done with one semester of work. Usually, I take forever on art projects - perfectionist- but this class forced me to pick it up a bit which I really liked. I have learned a lot more about such applications as Corel Painter 12, Flash, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and much more! My favorite project was the animation squiggle vision joke because it was fairly quick and the product was rewarding to watch. I struggled most with the portrait because it forced me to be a little reckless with building up instead of detail work. Also, there were so many options in that program, Corel Painter 12, that I was slightly overwhelmed. Overall though, I noticed the more time I spent in a program the more adept I was in it by the end. Thanks for everything Mrs. Robinson! :)

Rotoscoped Music Video

This is my rotoscoped music video. I learned how to take a video of real life movements and create filters or hand-drawn changes out of it. The time it took to hand draw every frame was excessive though, but that is my favorite version of me spinning. For a first attempt it was pretty good though, and I noticed them more time I spent on it the more I learned about the program overall. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Final Portrait

This is my portrait. I used Coral Painter 12; in this, I leaned how to use this program which had so many tools and options, making it was slightly intimidating. The butterflies in the background are evidence of me making a brush from an image off the Internet and using it on the portrait. Again, the hair is one of my favorite aspects of this digital art image.

Bullying Poster Label

Jocelyn Taylor Class of 2013 Digital Arts 2 Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop My intent as a graphic designer was to create a contrasting design that divided the poster in half. This was to illustrate the two sides in bullying, and to make the viewer aware of which side they could fall under. The color choices were hard to make, as I wanted to create a feeling of warmth on the top and chaos and a sense of drowning on the bottom. My use of small words in some parts of the poster, river and sun, were utilized to further emphasize examples of bullying and its contrast, helping. The motion achieved by the river was to exhibit how easy it was, once someone falls in, to be swept away by bullying.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Here is my portrait video! I had some difficulty on this project because I am used to painting on actual canvas. Doing this,  I worried about settings on the computer and blending especially. I'm also a perfectionist so it was hard to cut loose and just build up the image with layers. I like the hair the best in the end.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Anti-Bullying Poster

This is my anti-bullying poster design! I wanted to illustrate how bullying can come in all different forms and colors and while some bullying may seem innocent, it eventually drowns someone. The words in the river contribute to the drowning as they weigh people down and make it hard for them to seek out help. I wanted to make a contrast by giving the top section an opposite color scheme; this would demonstrate the difference between bullying and giving a helping hand to people.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Animation Joke

This is my animation joke! I learned a lot doing this project; squiggle-vision, Flash, and how to post a video on this Blogger. I wish I could have thought of a better joke, and that I could change the voices of the characters to they were more unique, but overall I really liked this project because it was fun to do and to see the end product.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Vector Eagle

This is a vector of an eagle. I got the image of this eagle off the internet. I did a vector before this one, but I like this better because I spent more time on it and made the details in the original picture pop.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Typed Tutorial

This is a tutorial I did in which I learned how to do paths and shapes and types. I drew shapes with a tool and then used another tool to type around the shape or in it.

Vectored Face

This is my face vectored. I am SO glad I took Photo 1 as it has helped me know my way around blogger even more. More coming soon!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012