Thursday, April 18, 2013

Manifesto Beta Version

I feel that government is created as a system to manage the affairs of the people, especially those it directly governs. Therefore, the government should be involved to some degree with the economy as money is a very human and social thing that is controlled by our desires. Social programs, a - again - very human affair, should be aided by (and in some cases controlled) by the government. This is because the government is taking some of the money (taxes - which I approve of, more on that later) and money ought to be used to improve the nation the government runs, including aiding organizations which seek to help people in various situations. This has pros and cons however; one negative aspect is that dependence and mooching can occur, producing or encouraging a populace of shiftless individuals who take advantage of programs they are not in need of. Yet, because of the inevitability of the class wealth distinctions characteristics of a capitalist system, there will be disadvantaged individuals who would benefit from these programs and could then contribute back to society (the ultimate purpose of instating social programs by the government) with their increased confidence, skills and understanding. Overall, social programs, while essentially a good moral idea, will always feed a certain populace that will not give back to society. Yet, the programs should exist, regardless of the negative factors, as no programs would anger the a majority of the population and an angry people is not a good thing for a government.

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