Thursday, May 30, 2013

Investing 101

1. Stocks:
Depending on how many shares of stock you purchase, you can get a larger or smaller share of the pie, or company, and have more power about its fate (energy form sugar).
2. Bond: I more secure agreement given by large-scale organization; the handshake represents the added trust to the return payment as these are large and powerful organizations that won't go under easily.
3. Primary Market/ Secondary Market:
Planting a tree is like a primary market because the the gardener is like the issuer of the security (the tree) to the earth (the one who ultimatley purchases it)
 A secondary market is like a work-out machine because the person buys it like a security for their body (they are buying form an investor in order to invest on their own body).
4. Bull and Bear market:
Studying is like a bull market becuase when you study who can expoect, or are curretnly actively seeing, your grades rise.
When going on a diet, one can expect, and actively see, thier weight go down, such as in a bear market when numbers drop.
5. Selling Short: When a kid sneaks candy before they eat dinner, they are "borrowing" a security they do not really have possession of yet and are expecting to be able to get away with it and maybe get even more candy after dinner.

6. Franchise:
Big Brother has control that is like an organization of all the businesses in the society.
7. Underwrite/ Underwriter/ Going public:
The mother swan is guaranteeing her offspring security and closely watching them, as one company offers financial assistance and oversight to another company; the public act of feeding the chicks is like going public because the mother is sharing her private foods with them (the new investors).

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